The Holy Scripture is inerrant and is the perfect rule of faith and life.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
We believe God is the Creator and Sovereign Ruler of the universe.
Genesis 1:1
God’s Son, Jesus Christ, is the only Savior and Lord of mankind.
John 3:16
The Holy Spirit enables us to begin and continue to live the Christian life.
Romans 8:1-27
Salvation is by God’s grace and nis not earned but is received through faith.
Ephesians 2:8-9
The purpose of a congregation is to glorify God by conducting public corporate worship, bringing the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, building them up in the Christian faith, and preparing them for Christian service.
The Form of Government of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church (3.2)
We equip believers for the work of ministry through Bible studies, fellowship activities, and training experiences.
Ephesians 4:11-13
Believers may join by professing or reaffirming faith in Jesus Christ or by transfer of membership from another Christian church. Associate membership is available to part-time residents who are members of another Christian Church.
Copyright ©2024 First Presbyterian Church of Sebring. All rights reserved.